May 25, 2004



Today, we spread love like birdseed. Thank you to Jeff and Hua (the new Stan Mack) for alerting me to Federation’s spastically good new single, "Hyphy." If E-40 got his Rolodex in shape, he could take the cameo crown from Ludacris. Hua gets extra love for also introducing me to Juana Molina. In this year of the rookie, those of us both weak of spirit and easy of heart could be falling like Darrick Martin every few hours. Right now, Juana Molina is speaking to us and us alone. We are all a-quiver about the upcoming Carnegie Hall show. (My steadier, better self is betting on Keren Ann for year-end dominance.)

Alanis—relevant by commercial fiat and still having a go, but why did she lead with "Everything,” a song that not even E-40 could redeem? If we want Kate Bush metal with that baked-in whiff of “Kashmir,” “Spineless” and “Eight Easy Steps” woulda been much more best. Not that we want to discourage the whole “me and nothing but me” trope. But.

Album the 1990s did not appreciate: Cell’s Living Room. The Nirvana Youth train stalled before these guys even got their tickets punched. The new Rock is Back tent should have them headlining. Come on back, guys–there is no shame in this game. (Anyone who wants some can get in for less than a subway fare now.) This album has better legs than, hell, most mindie rock albums of the day. While you're at it, also buy Swell's Well...?, which has outlasted many albums it sounds just like.

I, like, all forgot about two-step and shit. And it’s, like, all steady chocklit donuts and zeppole when the mix does bubble. The excellently-named Syrup Girls DJ duo have released a new mix CD called Pop A Boner. Familiar only with their first mix, which could be over a year old, I am guessing the new title is earned, unless they’ve moved on to electroclash or something. The links section suggets that UK garage is still the main dish.

More soon....

Posted by Sasha at May 25, 2004 01:35 PM | TrackBack