Ad Rock, breaking down the present tense and dropping something: "And yes I got to say fuck the KKK." Smoking!
One problem: Even the FUCKING REPUBLICANS know enough to say racism is bad now. This party party album would be infinitely better (though not good) without the Zoom! bumper stickers. The bad engineering is one thing, the lack of hooks and boom-drop moments is another, but here's the spicy Cajun rub: These Three Stooges could have gone gold in a week with anything, including a hellacious dose of hateration, name-calling, and political drop-kicks. What did we get? Fucking iTunes exclusives! exclusives! and "Kumbaya." And their target demo is going to be running companies within 10 years.
Posted by Sasha at July 3, 2004 09:42 PM | TrackBack