March 16, 2005



Here are some SoundScan figures I got from an unlinkable Billboard piece today. Unless I don't understand something (always likely), these figures do not represent sales of CDs through record clubs (Columbia House/BMG) and non-digi mom and pops.

The Arcade Fire, Funeral: 104,000
Interpol, Antics: 287,000
Death Cab For Cutie, Transatlanticism: 283,000
The Shins, Chutes Too Narrow: 293,000
The Donnas, Spend The Night: 450,000
Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Fever To Tell: 498,000
The Postal Service, Give Up: 527,000, "making it Sub Pop's second best seller behind Nirvana's "Bleach."

(Unrelated: Damon Albarn and Shelby Lynne seem to be staying at the same hotel, the one where they promise to give you a wake-up call and then don't.)

Posted by Sasha at March 16, 2005 04:46 PM | TrackBack