March 31, 2005



Click here to listen to DJ Kool Herc, who is both DNA-style important and really friendly. Click here for the new Certified Bananas mix, which has to be good because they called it Certified Bananas and you can't lie on the web because Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez is watching every word you type and he will come to your house and punch you with a rusty grill tool if you fib. The CB mix opens with the word "bananas," which is bananas, and then moves though Dipset, Television and Kelly Clarkson, which is also (help, please stop me) bananas.

More X to Y to C Dept.: The somewhat defensively designed and named the best mashups in the world ever are from San Francisco CD just arrived. It's also [insert your own, new fruit-related slang], with unusually hi-fi audio for a mash collection. The sequencing is strong, making it a better "album" than the British CD it is detourning. There are no world-changing tracks like "Stroke" or "Smells Like Booty" on the SF compilation, because the world-changing portion of the mashup program is over. The music, however, is not over and that is ____________. The only source info on the CD is this email: tbmitweafsf AT mutemail COT com.

If you miss Chris Morris or Ricky Gervais, then click here. You probably already have.

(What is the opposite of zero tolerance? A hundred tolerance? Infinity tolerance?)

Posted by Sasha at March 31, 2005 09:36 AM | TrackBack