September 10, 2008



It’s not complicated. On some dumbass gossip blog, there is a picture of Lindsay Lohan’s boobs accompanied by a gratuitous (possibly not a category that exists in the context of gossip blogs, but anyway) snarky-ass comment about what Lindsay’s vagina looks like. You know what Lindsay Lohan’s shaved vagina looks like? At least in that widely circulated photo? Her shaved vagina looks like a goddamn vagina. Calm yourself down, HAVER OF ALL BALL SACS.

I have nothing against the web being cheap and vulgar and booby, and the last thing I want is another crop of policemen—even if they turn out to be robots with supercool horizontal red LED eyeslots—but I have a big problem with plain old hating and plain old stupidity and the general assault on generosity. But, then, I’m old.

Posted by Sasha at September 10, 2008 10:22 AM | TrackBack