August 27, 2004



It is SO WORST when bloggers click each other on the back and say "So true," so I am going to try to make it seem like I am not doing that because I do not want to think I am one of the people who would do that. Franklin is so right on Dylan (though he had this actual thought and I only had the fake thought in retrofit mode b/c I didn't know Dylan until the last few years) but much more pleasingly right about The English Beat. Can't shake my pom-poms hard enough for I Just Can't Stop It and Wha'ppen? I am beginning to think that whole 78-72 English/Jamaican thing is my secret dilithium crystal. Beginning to think? No. I've thought it a million times. But it's remained true, tangibly, over time, unlike my 6 million other generalizations.

Posted by Sasha at August 27, 2004 10:12 AM | TrackBack